Sunday, 9 October 2011


Where has this week gone? Seriously?
It's good in one way I suppose as I'm one week closer to half term! Yipppppppeeeeeeeeeee!! Could you tell I was happy then?? Lol.
It's 18.13 and I have been at my computer for nearly 4 hours.  Feel as though I've got slightly behind this week, although, making the A-Z of Harvest for the school festival with my 12 year old daughter yesterday didn't help!!  Any ideas for Z anyone?? Nope didn't think so.
So I finally uploaded my work relationships assignment, hoping it's along the right sort of lines.  I also gave my first peer review...found it really hard actually, don't think I'm nearly qualified enough to advise someone when I'm unsure if I'm doing it right myself...after all who am's just my opinion and who says I'm right?
Anyway, only a short blog today, "got nothing to do and too much time to do it in." (Wonker 1971)
How was that referencing??

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