Thursday 29 September 2011


How gutted am I?? REALLY gutted!!
I've spent 2 evenings on my photo story, thinking what to write, trying to find a different way to present it, you know, show initiative.
It looks good if I do say so myself.  Just emailed it to myself to see what it looks like... it's so small I can't read it, if I enlarge page... it's so big I can't read it!!  Technology sucks sometimes!!
Ideas please.

Wednesday 28 September 2011


Today was a good day!  The lady who deals with behavioural issues happens to be the lady who covers our class teachers PPA (planning time) time on a Wednesday afternoon.  Well to put it politely, she was very busy today! Which in turn meant that I had the class this afternoon in her absence.  It was brilliant!! The Headteacher did her usual 'wonder around' and popped her head in and saw a calm classroom with children behaving impeccably. 10 house points to me!!! Had she come in 10 minutes later she would have seen complete chaos and mayhem as 5 groups of 5 children were practicing for their Henry VIII role play presentation!!!
It made me realise that this degree is the big step I need to become a qualified teacher and although I feel like I'm taking baby steps with it at the moment...I WILL ACHIEVE.

Tuesday 27 September 2011


Need to get my head round this serious studying, family commitments and work.  To top it off I start GCSE Science this evening.  Think i'm drowning....anyone got a rubber ring? lol.
Hey ho...

Sunday 25 September 2011


Well, decided to post my first 'blog'.  What does 'blog' stand for anyway?
I suppose it's supposed to give you an insight into my learning journey...not sure if I'm going in the right direction at the moment, feel like I'm in reverse actually!! Here's hoping I will find 1st or 2nd gear soon.
So it's 3 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon, the smell of BBQ's fills the warm air outside but here I am sat at my dining table, paper all over it trying to get my head around the first two modules, with my dog occasionally blowing off under my feet....nice!!
I'm just putting the finishing touches to my ILP before I send it off, looking at it now I can see how useful it is going to become. I wonder if we have to do those for every module or semester?
Anyway onwards and upwards!