Wednesday 28 September 2011


Today was a good day!  The lady who deals with behavioural issues happens to be the lady who covers our class teachers PPA (planning time) time on a Wednesday afternoon.  Well to put it politely, she was very busy today! Which in turn meant that I had the class this afternoon in her absence.  It was brilliant!! The Headteacher did her usual 'wonder around' and popped her head in and saw a calm classroom with children behaving impeccably. 10 house points to me!!! Had she come in 10 minutes later she would have seen complete chaos and mayhem as 5 groups of 5 children were practicing for their Henry VIII role play presentation!!!
It made me realise that this degree is the big step I need to become a qualified teacher and although I feel like I'm taking baby steps with it at the moment...I WILL ACHIEVE.

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